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Denture Stabilisation

If you have loose or ill-fitting dentures, your ability to eat and speak may become affected. Due to advances in dentistry, there is now a procedure whereby your denture can be fixed to your jaw with dental implants.


This treatment, known as implant-supported overdentures or denture stabilisation, offers patients with dentures a more permanent solution and can improve their quality of life significantly. You will be able to enjoy your favourite foods again and feel comfortable smiling, safe in the knowledge that your dentures are staying put.

Here is how it works:

You will need to have the implants placed and wait for a period of time to integrate with the bone and surrounding tissues.


Your dentures are placed on top of the implants through a range of special fixtures.


This means your dentures can still be removed for cleaning but will stay put once in place.

The Benefits

Enjoy a natural-looking smile and improved confidence in public.


Experience less irritation of your gums caused by loose dentures and you don’t need to take your teeth out at night.


You can eat, chew and bite without your dentures falling out or having to stick to a soft food diet for the rest of your life.

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