Bone Regeneration
Guided Bone Regeneration & Socket Preservation
Guided bone regeneration (GBR) and Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) are dental surgical procedures that use barrier membranes to direct the growth of new bone and gingival tissue at sites with insufficient volumes or dimensions of bone or gingiva for proper function, aesthetics, or prosthetic restoration.
Guided bone regeneration is similar to guided tissue regeneration, but is focused on development of hard tissues in addition to the soft tissues of the periodontal attachment.
The aim of tissue regeneration is to encourage new hard tissue growth on an alveolar ridge to provide a stable, strong support for your natural teeth or dental implants.
When Bone grafting is used in conjunction with sound surgical technique, guided bone regeneration is a reliable and validated procedure. Tissue regeneration has been studied for decades, with modern technologies making the process more efficient and comfortable than ever before.
Guided tissue regeneration can also be used to encourage the growth of the periodontal ligaments and connective tissue with special gels designed to prompt cell growth.
How it works
In essence, guided tissue regeneration uses biomaterials and barriers to stimulate guide bone growth. The barrier is a resorbable membrane that is placed between the gum tissue and the bone. Over time, the membrane helps the tissue to grow into shape, and is slowly reabsorbed into the body. Immediately following GBR, the body responds by forming a blood clot within the graft, releasing growth hormones and therefore encouraging healing. Over time, the clot is absorbed into the body and replaced by granulation tissue and healthy blood vessels. This healthy vascular system quickly creates a matrix of bone, creating a healthy, structurally sound base.